This past week has went really well for us here in helping our progressing Investigators to their Baptismal Dates.
On Tuesday after Zone Conference Elder Gudmundson and I went on a trade off. We tracted in an area near the end of the day and Found 2 really great potentials and Nate who we have a return appointment with later on this week.
Wednesday we Taught Krystal the Gospel of Jesus Christ and have continued to commit her to read and pray. We were able to have Kevin, Joey, and Maeson come to Young men's and Young women's. They really seem to enjoy it and it is great being able to see them in that joy.
Thursday we planned and set up a few things for the next week. We really strive to have Kevin, Joey, and Maeson to activity night. They played Basketball and had fun as always. We have more Investigators coming between us and the sisters than we do members.
Friday we tracted in a neighborhood close to us that we haven't tracted since we have been here so we figured we would take a shot at it. Not allot of People were home. We did find a stay at home mom that was sick and wanted us to come back on Wednesday so that was great. We also went and taught Joey the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the rest of the commandments we needed to teach him. We have been asking him about the baptismal interview questions and he is doing great.
Saturday we went to a Member Baptism and Joey came with us. He enjoyed it and is ready and excited for his. We talked to the Bishop and we have decided to Kevin and Joey's baptism on June 6. They will be in the evening so their family can come and it is exciting.
We had Misty, Kevin, Joey, and some others at church on Sunday. It was exciting because Kevin and Misty have both came twice now. We had all of them in the Gospel Principles class and they were involved and asking great questions.
I guess the greatest thing to add to all of this is that we will be having Elder Bednar coming out on June 6th to train our mission for 3 hours. It is going to be really awesome. He is coming out for Stake Conference in Pensacola so President called his secretary and got it all set up. I am way excited right now. He is having us Prepare by ready "Seek learning by Faith" and "Ask in Faith". These talks our so amazing but I have not studied through them totally yet. It has been taking me awhile because of marking them up and searching references to be able to better study and ponder the messages which are contained in his talks.
I know that has we Pray and Study that we will have many new things opened unto us. That through pondering over the messages our hearts won't only be opened but the spirit will carry the messages in our hearts and the hearts of those we are around. May the spirit continue to bless us all with the messages that will carry into our hearts and act in faith upon those things of which we receive.
Love You
Elder Regan Hansen
The Travels and Experiences of Missionary Service Preformed by the Grandchildren of John Kay and Ann Hansen, of Palmyra Utah
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Regan May 18, 2009

This week is going to be really short. We have received an online survey that we have taken part in. The church is having us evaluate ourselves with how we have been using Preach My Gospel and everything in there that applies.
This week has really had some crazy experiences go down. The week started of as normal as any other week. We found a new investigator tracting and had transfers...luckily I get to stay...
On Wednesday we had a Member Lesson with Jeff and Kira. We helped the Cooksey's with some moving because Sis. Cooksey is pregnant and due in August so she is not supposed to do lifting. They had all new carpet put in and we moved everything back. Jeff and Kira helped and then looked in a book full of pictures of The Cooksey's wedding. It was if they mesmerized Kira's eyes right onto them and I could tell that she ultimately has a desire to have that also in her life.
We helped a new family move in this week. They are a part member family but the husband is not very interested at the moment. It was great to help them and hopefully it will open a few doors for us.
We found out that Kevin and Joey's dad went really anti and was telling Misty that she was forcing her kids to listen to the message that we have. So we are not to sure when we talk to them next if they are still planning on getting baptized. I know that the lord provides a way for us to help those we teach, just as he helped Nephi with a way to receive the Brass Plates. We gave Misty a blessing yesterday and it really helped her. She has full custody of her children so I am not sure how often they will be allowed to visit their dad anymore.
Through prayer I have been able to find a comfort of Peace with all of this happening. In one way or another the Lord has provided a way we just don't know when that way will appear. I have a peace that everything will be fine and his is watching with Love very Carefully.
Love You all
Elder Regan Hansen
I have some pics today.
This week has really had some crazy experiences go down. The week started of as normal as any other week. We found a new investigator tracting and had transfers...luckily I get to stay...
On Wednesday we had a Member Lesson with Jeff and Kira. We helped the Cooksey's with some moving because Sis. Cooksey is pregnant and due in August so she is not supposed to do lifting. They had all new carpet put in and we moved everything back. Jeff and Kira helped and then looked in a book full of pictures of The Cooksey's wedding. It was if they mesmerized Kira's eyes right onto them and I could tell that she ultimately has a desire to have that also in her life.
We helped a new family move in this week. They are a part member family but the husband is not very interested at the moment. It was great to help them and hopefully it will open a few doors for us.
We found out that Kevin and Joey's dad went really anti and was telling Misty that she was forcing her kids to listen to the message that we have. So we are not to sure when we talk to them next if they are still planning on getting baptized. I know that the lord provides a way for us to help those we teach, just as he helped Nephi with a way to receive the Brass Plates. We gave Misty a blessing yesterday and it really helped her. She has full custody of her children so I am not sure how often they will be allowed to visit their dad anymore.
Through prayer I have been able to find a comfort of Peace with all of this happening. In one way or another the Lord has provided a way we just don't know when that way will appear. I have a peace that everything will be fine and his is watching with Love very Carefully.
Love You all
Elder Regan Hansen
I have some pics today.
Tyler May 18 2009
hello family,
Well right now at the moment as I write an ambulance pulled up and is helping someone out in the cafe next to us. Things are unpredictable in this place. This past week it has been freezing cold, its not Utah cold but it is still cold. It has been rainy and windy mostly this past week in most of the western cape. All the rain and cold though have some advantages though with a lot of people being in their homes and not having to wash the car. This past week though we seen Thomas Peschen a German guy that gives guided bus tours all around the country including Namibia, Botswana,and Lesotho and said he'll be back in the next few weeks. We were able to teach him about the priesthood and deliver some liahonas to him. When he is home he and his family make the 45 minute drive to the Hermann's branch from Bettys Bay. I marvel at some of the sacrifices some of these people make to get to church. Before the branch was established more than 5 years ago most of the members made the drive to Summer Set West, over a set of mountains, about an hours drive, before my mission you wouldn't find me doing that. This past week has been really well though with a lot of good appointments. I think the best one that we had was with Major and Prudence Muyo who just recently had a baby and we shared with them the plan of salvation where he was asking us some really good questions, where it was more us having a debate rather than just talking. I think the miracle of the week was to see an investigator named Cornelius Williams and his daughter come to church, just after following up on the families can be together dvd. Its definitely given me some encouragement to hand more of the free dvd cards out after the success we have been having with those. We have about 17 potential investigators who have been given the cards and have called the office to receive a free dvd that we need to still follow up and see. Most of our time is spent in Zwelihle a township that has hundreds of shacks everywhere. But our area that we cover is probably the size of Spanish Fork or bigger except right against the bays of the ocean. Well it looks like the guy that they pulled out is alright. I don't know what happened to him but he looks ok, as I look out the glass of the shop. Today we were going to hike to the top of this mountain, but due to rain I think well talk to some wine farmers and give some service or just play golf, anyway have a good week, thanks for the emails.
Elder Tyler Hansen
Well right now at the moment as I write an ambulance pulled up and is helping someone out in the cafe next to us. Things are unpredictable in this place. This past week it has been freezing cold, its not Utah cold but it is still cold. It has been rainy and windy mostly this past week in most of the western cape. All the rain and cold though have some advantages though with a lot of people being in their homes and not having to wash the car. This past week though we seen Thomas Peschen a German guy that gives guided bus tours all around the country including Namibia, Botswana,and Lesotho and said he'll be back in the next few weeks. We were able to teach him about the priesthood and deliver some liahonas to him. When he is home he and his family make the 45 minute drive to the Hermann's branch from Bettys Bay. I marvel at some of the sacrifices some of these people make to get to church. Before the branch was established more than 5 years ago most of the members made the drive to Summer Set West, over a set of mountains, about an hours drive, before my mission you wouldn't find me doing that. This past week has been really well though with a lot of good appointments. I think the best one that we had was with Major and Prudence Muyo who just recently had a baby and we shared with them the plan of salvation where he was asking us some really good questions, where it was more us having a debate rather than just talking. I think the miracle of the week was to see an investigator named Cornelius Williams and his daughter come to church, just after following up on the families can be together dvd. Its definitely given me some encouragement to hand more of the free dvd cards out after the success we have been having with those. We have about 17 potential investigators who have been given the cards and have called the office to receive a free dvd that we need to still follow up and see. Most of our time is spent in Zwelihle a township that has hundreds of shacks everywhere. But our area that we cover is probably the size of Spanish Fork or bigger except right against the bays of the ocean. Well it looks like the guy that they pulled out is alright. I don't know what happened to him but he looks ok, as I look out the glass of the shop. Today we were going to hike to the top of this mountain, but due to rain I think well talk to some wine farmers and give some service or just play golf, anyway have a good week, thanks for the emails.
Elder Tyler Hansen
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
May 12 2009

Hello family
Thanks for the pictures they worked great. It was a busy week with transfers. This past transfer was a 5 week transfer because of the meeting that President Probst has in Johannesburg. I was disappointed that I only got to stay in Mdantsane for a short time but I really enjoyed being there with Elder Smith especially. On Tuesday we received the call that two from the district were going to be transferred Elder Vernon and I and we moved on Thursday. I flew to Cape Town and then the office Elders drove me to Hermanus where I will be for a while. I really enjoy the area and the branch that we have. There are about 30 people in the branch and 7 priesthood holders. The branch house is in Hermanus in a pretty nice warehouse, and Elder Pauna and I stay in Fisherhaven which is the next bay across from Walkerbay to the north. We had 4 investigators to the branch yesterday and the branch President President Mckennon is really encouraging us for family led fathers who may be eligible for the priesthood to increase the priesthood numbers in the branch. We were able to find 2 new investigators on Friday and one them was a nice father led colored family. Many things have transpired in the last couple of days but I hope to spend more time typing next week when we have a little more time. Thanks for the support and love and any mother who reads this, Happy Mothers day!
Elder Tyler Hansen
Monday, May 11, 2009
Regan May 11.2009
This past week has been really great and we have been able to see how committed our 3 candidates for baptism and how they are progressing to that.
Oh and I did Find out that We are both staying here in Crestview for another Transfer which brings me much joy because I will be able to work with Misty's family all the way to baptism and after. I am so grateful for the Lord granting me this opportunity to serve him in a place full of Love.
This past week we taught Misty's family quite a bit. We are trying to keep the Momentum rolling forward.
We had the opportunity on Monday to get caught in the rain. We stopped at a part-members house to get out of the rain for a bit. His wife was feeling ill and asked us to giver her a blessing. It was a great moment because it continues to open the door for when she is willing to allow us to teach her.
On Tuesday we had district meeting and it went well. It started a little bit late because Elder Gudmundson was getting his cast off but all went well and we were all uplifted and edified.
On Wednesday we went to Misty's house and were able to bring out the whole family to activities. Masen, Mary, Kevin, and Joey all came to the combined activity and enjoyed water balloon volleyball. We introduced Misty to Bishop Hamm and they talked for a few minutes.
On Thursday we planned our day and had a good companionship inventory. We later went and had dinner at a less active members house and it went real well. I feel that very soon we will possibly be able to get Brother Monte back to church.
On Friday we went over to Misty's house and taught her and answered questions she had before all the kids got home. We then talked with the kids and taught them a bit and were still focusing on coming to church with them.
On Saturday we talked with allot of members and offering service as we came over. We talked to quite a few families and it was great.
On Sunday we had Kevin and Joey at church with us. It was great to see how committed they are to being baptized and their desires turning into actions.
The District is doing really well. We have been able to teach those around us and bless their lives. I know that through the Obedience that we are all striving to have as a district that we will grow more spiritually stronger and will be more prepared servants in finding those who are prepared for this glorious message.
It was great being able to talk to allot of you Yesterday for Mothers Day. Thank you for the Love and Support that you shared with me. Thank you for all of your prayers and your continued LOVE.
Elder Regan Hansen
Oh and I did Find out that We are both staying here in Crestview for another Transfer which brings me much joy because I will be able to work with Misty's family all the way to baptism and after. I am so grateful for the Lord granting me this opportunity to serve him in a place full of Love.
This past week we taught Misty's family quite a bit. We are trying to keep the Momentum rolling forward.
We had the opportunity on Monday to get caught in the rain. We stopped at a part-members house to get out of the rain for a bit. His wife was feeling ill and asked us to giver her a blessing. It was a great moment because it continues to open the door for when she is willing to allow us to teach her.
On Tuesday we had district meeting and it went well. It started a little bit late because Elder Gudmundson was getting his cast off but all went well and we were all uplifted and edified.
On Wednesday we went to Misty's house and were able to bring out the whole family to activities. Masen, Mary, Kevin, and Joey all came to the combined activity and enjoyed water balloon volleyball. We introduced Misty to Bishop Hamm and they talked for a few minutes.
On Thursday we planned our day and had a good companionship inventory. We later went and had dinner at a less active members house and it went real well. I feel that very soon we will possibly be able to get Brother Monte back to church.
On Friday we went over to Misty's house and taught her and answered questions she had before all the kids got home. We then talked with the kids and taught them a bit and were still focusing on coming to church with them.
On Saturday we talked with allot of members and offering service as we came over. We talked to quite a few families and it was great.
On Sunday we had Kevin and Joey at church with us. It was great to see how committed they are to being baptized and their desires turning into actions.
The District is doing really well. We have been able to teach those around us and bless their lives. I know that through the Obedience that we are all striving to have as a district that we will grow more spiritually stronger and will be more prepared servants in finding those who are prepared for this glorious message.
It was great being able to talk to allot of you Yesterday for Mothers Day. Thank you for the Love and Support that you shared with me. Thank you for all of your prayers and your continued LOVE.
Elder Regan Hansen
Friday, May 8, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Regan May 4, 2009
I hope everything with all of you is going as well is it has been here.
Everything here this week has been full of miracles and new strengths that are hard to exactly put into words at the moment.
On Wednesday we talked with Misty and the kids and were making sure that they were still planning to come to the Barbecue on Thursday. As we were there one of Misty's friends she has been talking to asked us if we could give her a blessing. I truly was an instrument in the Lord's hands and felt the spirit envelop me 3 times during her blessing. We taught her a brief restoration and set up an appointment for this Wednesday. Her name is Krystal and she has 8 children.
On Thursday we had the Barbecue with some ward members and our ward mission leaders family. Misty and her family came and so did Jeff and Kira. We enjoyed each others company and taught some things and finished the night of by watching the Testaments DVD. It was very powerful and the spirit was powerful.
On Friday we went over and taught Misty's children. Masen is 15 and we committed her to Baptism for May 30th. We then visited a potential investigator who is in a hospice and taught her. Her name is Betty Sawyer and we have another appointment with her tomorrow. We then went and taught Kevin and Joey. Misty's two sons. We also committed them to Baptism with Masen on May 30th.
On Friday we went and taught Kevin and Joey the Plan of Salvation. We also committed them to Mark and Read in the Book of Mormon each day. They said they would.
On Sunday Joey, Jeff, and Kira were at church with us. Joey stayed the whole time and enjoyed it. Masen and Kevin will be there with Joey next week.
We were asked by our President Summerhays to attend Elder Bednar's CES fireside. For those who had the opportunity it was amazing. He shared some very powerful messages with this generation of youth that I would love to pass on.
Elder Bednar stated:
"The youth of this generation have a greater capacity for obedience than any other generation.” Spirits of the faithful, coming to the earth in this generation, have a greater capacity for valiance, courage and obedience.”
“Lucifer tempts us to misuse or minimize our bodies to decrease our happiness and increase our misery.” “Lucifer encourages us to Lower the Bar.” “Lucifer will lead us into lowering the bar by suggesting we take a few minutes of needed relief from a hectic daily schedule and engage in activities that lack fidelity.”
One other thing that I would like to add is that "Obedience is our Weapon to fight the Adversary."
I know of these things that he has said for a surety because the Holy Ghost has given a witness to me of the truth of these things. I know that has we all strive for Exact Obedience to the Gospel that we will have power to overcome all that stands in our way. I know that Our Heavenly Father lives. That he sent his Begotten Son to take upon the sins of the world and through him we can return to his presence. I Know that through the resurrection that Jesus Christ lives and that we to can live. I know that through Modern Day revelation that we know for a surety of the true Nature of the Godhead. I know that the rightful power of the Priesthood has been restored to bless us all not only individually but as families for time and all eternity. I know that the Book of Mormon is the Word of God and answers the questions that we seek for each and everyday. I know through Daily prayers and reading that we will continually be strengthened and receive guidance and protection over the Adversary. I know that Joseph Smith was and Instrument in the Lords hands who brought forth the Gospel in it Fullness for these latter days. I know and Testify of these things in the Sacred name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I love All of you.
Elder Regan Hansen
Everything here this week has been full of miracles and new strengths that are hard to exactly put into words at the moment.
On Wednesday we talked with Misty and the kids and were making sure that they were still planning to come to the Barbecue on Thursday. As we were there one of Misty's friends she has been talking to asked us if we could give her a blessing. I truly was an instrument in the Lord's hands and felt the spirit envelop me 3 times during her blessing. We taught her a brief restoration and set up an appointment for this Wednesday. Her name is Krystal and she has 8 children.
On Thursday we had the Barbecue with some ward members and our ward mission leaders family. Misty and her family came and so did Jeff and Kira. We enjoyed each others company and taught some things and finished the night of by watching the Testaments DVD. It was very powerful and the spirit was powerful.
On Friday we went over and taught Misty's children. Masen is 15 and we committed her to Baptism for May 30th. We then visited a potential investigator who is in a hospice and taught her. Her name is Betty Sawyer and we have another appointment with her tomorrow. We then went and taught Kevin and Joey. Misty's two sons. We also committed them to Baptism with Masen on May 30th.
On Friday we went and taught Kevin and Joey the Plan of Salvation. We also committed them to Mark and Read in the Book of Mormon each day. They said they would.
On Sunday Joey, Jeff, and Kira were at church with us. Joey stayed the whole time and enjoyed it. Masen and Kevin will be there with Joey next week.
We were asked by our President Summerhays to attend Elder Bednar's CES fireside. For those who had the opportunity it was amazing. He shared some very powerful messages with this generation of youth that I would love to pass on.
Elder Bednar stated:
"The youth of this generation have a greater capacity for obedience than any other generation.” Spirits of the faithful, coming to the earth in this generation, have a greater capacity for valiance, courage and obedience.”
“Lucifer tempts us to misuse or minimize our bodies to decrease our happiness and increase our misery.” “Lucifer encourages us to Lower the Bar.” “Lucifer will lead us into lowering the bar by suggesting we take a few minutes of needed relief from a hectic daily schedule and engage in activities that lack fidelity.”
One other thing that I would like to add is that "Obedience is our Weapon to fight the Adversary."
I know of these things that he has said for a surety because the Holy Ghost has given a witness to me of the truth of these things. I know that has we all strive for Exact Obedience to the Gospel that we will have power to overcome all that stands in our way. I know that Our Heavenly Father lives. That he sent his Begotten Son to take upon the sins of the world and through him we can return to his presence. I Know that through the resurrection that Jesus Christ lives and that we to can live. I know that through Modern Day revelation that we know for a surety of the true Nature of the Godhead. I know that the rightful power of the Priesthood has been restored to bless us all not only individually but as families for time and all eternity. I know that the Book of Mormon is the Word of God and answers the questions that we seek for each and everyday. I know through Daily prayers and reading that we will continually be strengthened and receive guidance and protection over the Adversary. I know that Joseph Smith was and Instrument in the Lords hands who brought forth the Gospel in it Fullness for these latter days. I know and Testify of these things in the Sacred name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I love All of you.
Elder Regan Hansen
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