Monday, July 27, 2009

Tyler July 27 2009

hello family
This week was a pretty good week and also pretty interesting as well. The baptisms went well but we just about baptized the branch house as well. The font in the branch hasn't had many baptisms and is a fairly new accommodation. Right after the baptisms President Mackinnon told me to pull the drain to the font before I left so no one would have to go back later and reach down and get it, so I did. I went in the bathroom to get changed and as I was getting changed President Mackinnon told me to hurry back and plug it back up because water was coming up through the toilets and flooding the tiles and getting everything wet from the font water. There was obviously a plug in the sewage line that was blocking off the flow of water and so all the font water was going up through the toilets mainly in the woman's bathrooms. So it was a mess hopefully not to much damage is done to the tiles because of the standing water but President Mackinnon was not impressed with who ever hooked up the font drain into the sewage drain but typical of South Africa. Even though it was cold and wet in the branch it will be a memory that no one will forget who all attended. Lungiswa and Cokiswa are powerful and will be a great asset to the branch and excellent leaders. We had a lot of dropped appointments this week but we are focusing on Sibulele and helping him along, well he is a humble guy and comes every week with his cousin Awonke. We have been having family home evening every Monday at Portias home to help unify the township people and help them learn and also have fun because when we leave they must continue on the trend. We was able to go to Cape Agalus this past Monday as well with the Beals and also see Aniston. We have shared the light as well by activating people to there own church as well. Bro Kallani was stone cold on going to any church and as we committed him to our church he began going to his church. He leaves for Switzerland on the 9th of August since he got an employee of the month prize at the Arrabella Hotel but hope we can have him come before he leaves. We need to show him that when he knows the Book of Mormon is true it means many things and this is the only true church. We will continue to work with him even though we have inspired him to his church so that's pretty fun to laugh about. Have a good week.
I pray for you always.
Love Elder Hansen

here are some pictures of the baptism and also Agollas and a puff adder or some viper.

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