Dear Family
It sounds neat that Elder Holland is speaking in Stake conference he is a very bold and powerful speaker. I enjoy the spirit that he brings from listening to him especially on a mission. Listening to the prophets on a mission is somehow more meaning to me. This last week though was a great week, we were able to get in contact with Elray Duplaci who is always gone on business in Joburg. We have an appointment with her tonight at 7 and she says she just has some questions about the Book of Mormon to clarify with her. She kind of wears the pants in the family so if she gains that personal testimony for herself it will make a big influence on her husband and her family. I am really excited for the next couple of transfers the way it is looking now we are going to have 2 or more baptisms depending on if our progressing investigators keep to there commitments. Since Elder Marshall has just one transfer left we are going to make a request that we stay in the area for another transfer in which I really hope happens. I really enjoy the ward and the members we have a lot of support from the members even though our area is so spread across the valley. This week we also met with the Howe family another one of our progressing investigators who lives out in sunrise on sea a very beautiful African village. I don't think the area has had a lot of missionaries out there before so there is a lot of potential especially from the people that we have met with. Val Howe is an about 70 or so and he is an electrician for the casinos here is East London but with his latest heart problems he is really more interested in the message that we share and he was saying how he is kind of lost in the wilderness right now. They go to the Lutheran church but I think they don't really know why they go like it says in the bible they search for the truth but they know not where to find it. So that is the boat that they are in. Hettie Howe is the sweetest lady and she will do anything for anyone at anytime. She is mainly the one who we converse with but they both have a deep interest in genealogy work so we are planning to give them a lesson on family history work. This family I am greatly excited for ,They had missionaries visit them before and they didn't take the message really into heart. Since we met with Valentine and the complications that they are having, the gospel is sparking a deeper interest in their lives. They love to tell us about their grandparents, parents, great grandparents and if they know what we know it will bring a miracle to them and their family. It sounds like things are warming up back home, I am not excited for this winter because is starting to get darker now in East London in the mornings and in the evenings. It gets light at about 7 and gets dark at about 5. Then again I enjoy the cooler temperatures. Have a good week, I love you very much. Track ting this week here we go.
Elder Tyler Hansen
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