Thanks for the emails. The colored people have a fair skin color. Many years ago the blacks and whites started breeding and so it is a mixture of black and white. The people throughout the years have now just prospered as a colored race of people. Their primary language is Africaans but they are pretty funny people. Well one of the many things I learned this week is a task that takes a just few minutes in America takes all day to do in Namibia. On Saturday we cleared out a grass pile with shovels and so we loaded grass into a small bakkie truck. It took us pretty much the whole day but tools in America makes things a lot easier. As you know moving grass with a shovel is not easy, so it took patience. This week has been good I don't look forward to the 100 degree weather though. We have been reactivating the Simataa family, this family is pretty sweet. We went and seen them Monday night and we reviewed the plan of salvation with them. The mother who has been struggling to find an interest, we shared many things that was interesting to her. The family mainly consists of three single adult girls and two boys. All the girls have been baptized but we hope to find some interest in the father who is away a lot. Even though he is not a member of the church he is still a great person who has a deep abiding care for his family. The night that we were there they told us of an incident that happened the night previous. The father was gone away on business a lot and he was away in Botswana. Sis Simatta last Sunday evening that during the night she felt that something was behind her from her feelings. All of her family was home and she was really concerned about the promptings that she was receiving. As she looked out the window of her house she saw a man at the corner of her eye get jolted off of her fence ran away from the house. She has some big dogs and they were barking furiously and she has security fences all around her yard but the person that was trying, to break into her house or something. As she was frightened minutes later she received a reassuring call from her husband in Botswana who had a feeling to call the family and see that everyone was alright. I am amazed at the unity of this family and how they support each other even though the father is not a member. Natasha will say that there dad asks them if they have read their scriptures each night before they go to bed. It is just neat to see how the family works in unity as they continue their lives and the spirit of comfort they feel. This week I have also learned a little bit about obedience and the blessings that come from it. Usually our lunch hour ends at 2 and sometimes we can be disobedient and don't go until 2:30 but this particular day we went to a less active guys house named Edison just right after lunch at little before 2 o'clock. We taught him a short lesson on eternal marriage and as we were teaching him, his roommate came in the door and went into his room and he said he wants to get some rest. He said as he walked by us he said he was prompted to come and talk to us. He was an Africaans white guy named Eyen he came in the room and we just started talking about beliefs. He said he had made some mistakes in his life, but he was a humble guy to speak to. He had some strange doctrines and beliefs, but was willing to hear what we had to share. We had a good lesson and we were able to give him a Book of Mormon in which he said he will read. I know that if he reads the Book of Mormon his life will change because he thinks logically. It showed me that day that If we would have been late we wouldn't have been able to speak to Eyen, so it was a testimony to me about being obedient with exactness to the rules will bring blessing that cannot be seen. We have been teaching a girl named Tswano from Botswana. She is about 22 years old and going to nursing school here in Namimbia. She has finished 3 of her 4 years of her nursing and is going to return back to Botswana with her family at the end of November. She found the church in Windhoek because she couldn't see how her baptist church was true and so she came in for a visit. She is probably the one that has brought the greatest excitement to the work because she is humble and willing to learn. To often we try to find people to teach instead of teaching so she is pretty sweet. We have a baptismal date set for the 7th so we look forward to that coming up. She talked with her family and has prayed about it and she said this is what she wants to do with her life. She didn't know if there was a branch in Botswana or not but we told her their was and she was able to speak with the branch president their in Botswana and so she is very excited. Well next transfer is coming up and I have heard that President Hinckleys son Elder Richard Hinckley will be coming to the mission. I am pretty excited about it. I hope he comes up to Namibia But I am sure he will. Elder Haugen said he want to ask him the question what did Christ write in the ground twice when he was speaking to the adulterous women. Well I hope everything is well. Have a good week and send some pics.
Elder Tyler Hansen
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