Well this week has been a little bit slower but none the less it has brought us much joy in the journey as we have stayed in the Right Spirit of this Marvelous work.
Monday was a great day for being able to see people and also have District Meeting because of the Holiday. We tracted in the morning while the Theodore Elders got the new carpet in their apartment. We visited with Latasha for a few moments of time as she was preparing for the Funeral of her Uncle and also another family member. She wasn't able to make to church so as of now we put it to February 20th. When we visit her this week we will go over with her about the commitment she is making and the Qualifications that will allow her to progress to Baptism. We had a good district meeting with an activity that allowed us to see as a district that as we set goals and work hard and are diligent miracles will be seen. That night we visited with a few less active members and went to dinner at the Hearns.
Tuesday we had a great P-day. We were able to spend some time with the Spanish and English Elders and reflected on the great memories we have had serving around each other and also looking to the new memories that are still to come. We had dinner with the Odom's that night. We also visited a few less actives before hand.
Wednesday we had the Opportunity to travel with Elder Peterson to teach Michael and Rudy in Theodore. We had a great teaching experience and the spirit was so strong. Michael committed to stop drinking coffee to complete his commitment of following the Word of Wisdom. We came back and did a little bit of contacting around while the new Elders were on there way back. Elder Bawden and I then went and visited with Brother Serrano. We shared with him some of the missionary videos and helped and discussed with him how to answer different questions that may be asked by those who are investigating. We then went to the YM/YW combined activity and encouraged them to start inviting their friends.
Thursday we had a great planning day. We were able to update the Progress, Teaching, and Potential records. It took this time as an opportunity to clean out the area book. We called Leola Harris but she wasn't able to make her appointment at the time. We then tracted up and around the church and delivered some referrals. As of right now we have no referrals in Mobile. We found out that we weren't going to have correlation meeting so we decided to visit the Hughett family and visit a few less actives around them.
Friday I had an appointment in the morning with Dr. Shaver who is a less active member. I was able to get everything squared away and get the medicine that I needed for my sinus's. As we were waiting for the prescriptions to be fill we tracted out a few areas. We talked with some great people. After lunch we traveled to the church and continued to tract. We were able to find Shareef. As we talked with him and gave him the Restoration Pamphlet he couldn't take his eyes off of it so it seemed. We visited with the Baylor family. They are a great part member family that we are going to try and get a trust bounded with them so we can hopefully teach the children and husband. We had dinner with the Morris's that evening and then came back and made some calls to see how all of our investigators are doing.
Saturday we decided first thing in the morning to tract and we were able to find Elinor. We then traveled to the Eight Mile area and visited the Juarez family. They have been a little under the weather but have been coming back to church more regularly and we hope to continue to help them make it over that final hump to be fully active. We had a great lesson with Mary Tucker. We taught about faith in Alma 32 and committed her to Read and Pray and also to attend church with us. We then headed to see the Baird family. They are a part member family that we are hoping to work with. Sister Baird wants the kids to attend primary and church but she is struggling knowing that if they become active then she is going to have to. Because we had a few things fall through we decided to do some night tracting. We went to a nice are and talked to some great people and found a few potentials that we will be following up with.
Sunday we had a great day and we were blessed with seeing a few of the Goals that we set become actual. Brother People brought his friend Terrance to church. We have been working with him off and on because of his busy work schedule and were glad that he was able to make it to church. We were also able to set up an appointment with a part member family who came to church. She has been taught in the past but pushed a way for a bit and we are hoping to see if she is ready to take the lessons again. We came back and had some personal studies after church and prepared for a new member discussion with the Thiry family. We were able to have the whole family sit in. The father and son are not members but they came in and listened. The lesson went real well and we were able to get to know the family better and see if we could work with them. We ended the night with the Martyn's and had a great spiritual thought with them.
This week we have set some great companionship goals: always asking for referrals and also putting a focus in our studies for our investigators so we can continue to help them learn by faith.
Love You
Elder Regan Hansen
The Travels and Experiences of Missionary Service Preformed by the Grandchildren of John Kay and Ann Hansen, of Palmyra Utah
Monday, January 25, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Regan January 19, 2010
Well this week saw many new miracles and a lot of great experiences that I have been able to take a lot of different things away from the experiences of which I was given.
Monday we had a great P-day. We were able to prepare for a lesson that we were to have with Latanya but she was not able to meet with us at that time. We had dinner with the Hearn family and after tried to visit a recent convert family.
Tuesday we had a great District Meeting that helped us focus on the important questions of what was in the President letter. It really allowed me to receive some great things as I was preparing and focusing on the needs of our investigators and also the District. Elder Peterson and I went on a trade off and first visited with Latasha. We have not been able to see her for the past 3 weeks and as we showed up she let us teach her. As we followed up with her we discovered the True beauty of commitments and how well His spirit is provided through them. She had read through both the Restoration and Plan of Salvation Pamphlets including the activities and also 3 Nephi 11 a couple of times. As we continued to discuss in His spirit through asking questions as we shared the Plan of Salvation she committed to Baptism before we even committed her to Baptism on February 13th. It was a spiritual experience that strengthened my Testimony. We also visited with Brother Cleveland and are working with the Leadership to get him a ride. We stopped by the Baylor's and had a great discussion with them and will be focusing on the Kids to see if it will encourage the mom to come back to church. We had dinner with Brother Klug that evening and finished the night of with Family Home Evening.
Wednesday the day started off slow as we tracted. So, as we continued we found the Joy in the Journey and found Hollis. He seemed really nice and we will be following up with him shortly. We then went with Brother Morris to see Michelle and Kimberly. We went to visit Michelle but she left us a note saying she was content with her church at this time so we went and visited a few less actives before we went to Kimberly's home. We taught her the 5th lesson and she committed to the commitments we left her. She is still holding strong and is coming to church each week. We ended the trade off and Elder Bawden and I went and visited Brother Serrano. He has a Job opportunity fall through and was a little down so we shared with him a few scriptures and helped him return back to having the Right Spirit.
Thursday we had a great planning day. We were able to get a map printed off and we pieced it together so we could see where everyone is in the area. We are still putting up the arrows with members names on them but it really will help us on being able to Plan and Work more effectively. I am really excited to see it get done so we can really continue to focus our efforts with more enduring Hard Work. We also went and visited a few less actives and did 5v5's around them.
Friday we began our morning by visiting a few less actives and doing 5v5's. The time really flew by as we were out working and we were able to find Tracy and work more effectively in always asking for Referrals. We delivered a few media referrals and as we were tracting around them we talked with a great brother who has a very strong testimony of the things of which he has witnessed through miracles in his own life. He had same great lessons of which I was able to take away a lot. We visited Sister Gover and invited her to church. We had dinner with the Blackmon's that night after we tracted by them. We had a great time and watched the Restoration DVD with them and Hope that it will encourage her husband to come back to church.
Saturday we began the day by helping and serving those in need at the Bishop's Storehouse. It always feels great being able to go and serve in that fashion and really see how the Lord directs and guides his matters and doings. We then had a lesson with Mary Tucker. She has been very busy with 2 deaths in the family but we brought her some peace and comfort and we found what her feelings and thoughts were and brought His spirit into her heart. We taught Annet Bragg's a great Restoration lesson and she committed to reading and praying about the Book of Mormon. We visited with the Campbell's that evening and will be doing service for them this coming week. We finished off the night by updating a few things in the area book at the same time we had dinner.
Sunday turned out to be a great day. I was able to give a talk at church on Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It was amazing at how the spirit taught me as I was able to share a message that He desired of me to share. We didn't have any Investigators but we were able to see a few less active members that we have been inviting to church. We then visited a few referrals and were able to teach Chiquita and Lorraine Tucker. They were referred by Mary Tucker. We were able to share a good message with them and gave them Together Forever to watch as a family because of the 2 recent deaths. We set up an appointment to teach them this coming week. We then visited Brother Serrano and continued to strengthen the spirit within him. He learned a great lesson this week and has been applying so many great new things.
Monday we had a really great day. We tracted in the morning and visited a few members because District Meeting got moved back so the Theodore Elders apartment could be fixed. I am glad it was able to be completed because it has been a struggle for them. We went to visit Latasha but she was not able to meet with us because she was getting things ready for the funerals. We had District Meeting and were able to have a great activity that brought forth Goal setting and how to effectively work to achieve goals individually, as companionship's, and as a District. We then had dinner with the Hearns and had some great talks.
Love You
Elder Regan Hansen
Monday we had a great P-day. We were able to prepare for a lesson that we were to have with Latanya but she was not able to meet with us at that time. We had dinner with the Hearn family and after tried to visit a recent convert family.
Tuesday we had a great District Meeting that helped us focus on the important questions of what was in the President letter. It really allowed me to receive some great things as I was preparing and focusing on the needs of our investigators and also the District. Elder Peterson and I went on a trade off and first visited with Latasha. We have not been able to see her for the past 3 weeks and as we showed up she let us teach her. As we followed up with her we discovered the True beauty of commitments and how well His spirit is provided through them. She had read through both the Restoration and Plan of Salvation Pamphlets including the activities and also 3 Nephi 11 a couple of times. As we continued to discuss in His spirit through asking questions as we shared the Plan of Salvation she committed to Baptism before we even committed her to Baptism on February 13th. It was a spiritual experience that strengthened my Testimony. We also visited with Brother Cleveland and are working with the Leadership to get him a ride. We stopped by the Baylor's and had a great discussion with them and will be focusing on the Kids to see if it will encourage the mom to come back to church. We had dinner with Brother Klug that evening and finished the night of with Family Home Evening.
Wednesday the day started off slow as we tracted. So, as we continued we found the Joy in the Journey and found Hollis. He seemed really nice and we will be following up with him shortly. We then went with Brother Morris to see Michelle and Kimberly. We went to visit Michelle but she left us a note saying she was content with her church at this time so we went and visited a few less actives before we went to Kimberly's home. We taught her the 5th lesson and she committed to the commitments we left her. She is still holding strong and is coming to church each week. We ended the trade off and Elder Bawden and I went and visited Brother Serrano. He has a Job opportunity fall through and was a little down so we shared with him a few scriptures and helped him return back to having the Right Spirit.
Thursday we had a great planning day. We were able to get a map printed off and we pieced it together so we could see where everyone is in the area. We are still putting up the arrows with members names on them but it really will help us on being able to Plan and Work more effectively. I am really excited to see it get done so we can really continue to focus our efforts with more enduring Hard Work. We also went and visited a few less actives and did 5v5's around them.
Friday we began our morning by visiting a few less actives and doing 5v5's. The time really flew by as we were out working and we were able to find Tracy and work more effectively in always asking for Referrals. We delivered a few media referrals and as we were tracting around them we talked with a great brother who has a very strong testimony of the things of which he has witnessed through miracles in his own life. He had same great lessons of which I was able to take away a lot. We visited Sister Gover and invited her to church. We had dinner with the Blackmon's that night after we tracted by them. We had a great time and watched the Restoration DVD with them and Hope that it will encourage her husband to come back to church.
Saturday we began the day by helping and serving those in need at the Bishop's Storehouse. It always feels great being able to go and serve in that fashion and really see how the Lord directs and guides his matters and doings. We then had a lesson with Mary Tucker. She has been very busy with 2 deaths in the family but we brought her some peace and comfort and we found what her feelings and thoughts were and brought His spirit into her heart. We taught Annet Bragg's a great Restoration lesson and she committed to reading and praying about the Book of Mormon. We visited with the Campbell's that evening and will be doing service for them this coming week. We finished off the night by updating a few things in the area book at the same time we had dinner.
Sunday turned out to be a great day. I was able to give a talk at church on Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It was amazing at how the spirit taught me as I was able to share a message that He desired of me to share. We didn't have any Investigators but we were able to see a few less active members that we have been inviting to church. We then visited a few referrals and were able to teach Chiquita and Lorraine Tucker. They were referred by Mary Tucker. We were able to share a good message with them and gave them Together Forever to watch as a family because of the 2 recent deaths. We set up an appointment to teach them this coming week. We then visited Brother Serrano and continued to strengthen the spirit within him. He learned a great lesson this week and has been applying so many great new things.
Monday we had a really great day. We tracted in the morning and visited a few members because District Meeting got moved back so the Theodore Elders apartment could be fixed. I am glad it was able to be completed because it has been a struggle for them. We went to visit Latasha but she was not able to meet with us because she was getting things ready for the funerals. We had District Meeting and were able to have a great activity that brought forth Goal setting and how to effectively work to achieve goals individually, as companionship's, and as a District. We then had dinner with the Hearns and had some great talks.
Love You
Elder Regan Hansen
Monday, January 18, 2010
Tyler Jan 18 10
Hello family,
Thanks for the emails, well send some pics of the snow. It is almost like pulling teeth from a chicken to get some pictures sent. Well this week has been pretty good. We were able to have only 2 of the five we were hoping be baptized but we have quite a few for the upcoming month. Ntelamo and Inonge were baptized on our side and we had 5 total baptism for the country. There was 1 candidate from the Katatura branch and the two from my last area of Windhoek south with the two little girls Lala and Putu. This week will be transfer week so Elder Mbatha will most likely go back to South Africa he finishes in July and his visa will expire soon. I think there will be four elders go back down to South Africa and 4 others to replace them. Well this week has been pretty good for investigators coming to church, we had 13 total investigators at church and Sophia and Jackobine from our area came for the first time so they were kind of my highlight besides the baptism for the week. Sophia lives in Darodo park and she is Lutheran but is confused with the doctrines. We were able to teach her about the restoration and she said she wanted to come and so she did. We have and been teaching Jackobine at Ndepewa's house and she is temporarily staying with her until she finds a job. We hope that she can find a job in Windhoek so that we can continue to teach her and she can be eventually baptized. Ndepewa will be baptized on the 30th of January we were hoping that she would be baptized on the 16th but she had to give up the coffee and so we have been helping her with that. We bought her some roobies tea instead so she can have that during the day, but she is doing great and is one of the coolest investigators. We have quite a few baptisms projected on the 13th of February and so far we have just 4 of them. With Heaven, Aminata, Junior and maybe Mullima. We hope to have some more but right now a lot of people are going back to school. We were teaching a girl named Maria Mulunga and her younger sister but Maria traveled down to Cape Town to study at Stellonbosch to become a doctor, so she knows what she is doing in life because she has kind of had a rough childhood. This past week the institute teacher came up from Cape Town his name was Brother Duncan. But during our district meeting he was trying to come in the chapel and some people came up to him with a knife and so he got mugged at the chapel entrance. We keep the doors locked while we are inside the church whenever someone is in there but when that happened I could see the importance because all they have to do is come in and they could hold a gun and rob all of us. Well other than that experience everything has been good. Have a good week
Elder Tyler Hansen
Tyler Jan 4 10
This week has been good, On Monday we had our zone activity and talent show we were able to see the DVD of the boy that gave his mom some Christmas shoes. That night when everybody left, the Windhoek chapel was broken into and they stole the computers. It was out of the family history room but they just broke the locks and cut the cords to the computers. It is sad to see but I am not too impressed with the security company and the church may push for liability of the security company. On Tuesday we had Zone conference. We had the discussion on extending commitments which is my favorite thing about missionary work. It is always neat to follow up with people and see that they care about what we share with them and that they are willing to read from the Book of Mormon. I learned many new things that I can say as extending commitments but by the time we were finished I wanted to go because we had sat in the chapel for ten hours that day between workshops, but I am grateful for the inspiration that President and Sister Probst leaves in the meetings. We only really had one day out of the week that we could go out and proselyte but we were able to do quite a bit a finding in the rain. It has rained a lot this week and it has really poured. I left my jacket back in Cape Town because I didn’t think that it would ever rain in Nam but yesterday we came back just drenched and soaked from the rain, sometime it is nice to have to substitute for the heat. On new years eve and new years we had to stay in so we helped sister Ruth Amunyela paint her house. It looks very nice and she seems very excited about the painting that we had done. Well other than that it has been kind of interesting/boring at the same time but anyways have a good week. happy birthday Chris! And happy new year.
Elder Tyler Hansen
Tyler Dec 21 09
I received a lot of questions so maybe I'll answer them. There is probably 40 active priesthood holder who come each week. Attendance has dropped due to the holidays. It doesn’t really feel like Christmas here. Compared to the states not many people have lights up or anything. Not many people are in the Christmas spirit which is kind of hard to adjust to. We have been teaching quite a few people in Darodo park area and we met these ladies last week who we followed up with this week. Its seems to figure we are having a lot more success teaching women because they are a lot more spiritual. We have been teaching these sisters Charlotte, Josephine and Daniela the last couple of times that we have seen them about the Book of Mormon and the restoration of the gospel. Most of these of these girls have never seen their fathers since they have been alive in the last 19 years and they just here of them being in places like Nigeria. It has really played an effect on me of the gift of love. It is sad to see but there are a lot of people who have never been loved before and their families are just separated apart, just going through the motions of life with out the happiness and comfort of a family bond. It was neat after we shared the lessons with them they said that they really want to come to church but they needed some taxi money to get there. We gave them some money and they seemed as if they enjoyed church and I hope that the messages and spirit they felt can be imprinted on there hearts. But they were a highlight for me during the week. We have also been trying to get 7 baptismal dates this week for the 16th of January. We have 5 solid people so far but we have been also working with Salma and Maria who we have been teaching at the Mongome family. We are fasting with Maria at the moment because she is trying to get some money to go to school in Stellonbosch. It is really playing a tole on me right now because of the heat and yesterday I ate just a cookie. So Im not to geared up for it, but she is cool she is studying to become a doctor. I have noticed that the best thing for them is just to show love by service. I can really see the potential they can have in the future from their living the gospel. They don’t have much support from their mom who lives in Caprivi and family that is across the world. They are good girls and they are leaving Windhoek for the holidays along with a lot of our other investigators. Windhoek is just a place for people to have employment with the companies of diamond mining and large supporters of employment so people can make money. Well this week will be a lot of tracting to do but hopefully we can see miracles in the process. This Christmas it is going to kind of be strange we have to be in our places by 5 on Christmas and Christmas eve for security reasons but anyways will talk with you this week. Have a good week
Elder Tyler Hansen
I received a lot of questions so maybe I'll answer them. There is probably 40 active priesthood holder who come each week. Attendance has dropped due to the holidays. It doesn’t really feel like Christmas here. Compared to the states not many people have lights up or anything. Not many people are in the Christmas spirit which is kind of hard to adjust to. We have been teaching quite a few people in Darodo park area and we met these ladies last week who we followed up with this week. Its seems to figure we are having a lot more success teaching women because they are a lot more spiritual. We have been teaching these sisters Charlotte, Josephine and Daniela the last couple of times that we have seen them about the Book of Mormon and the restoration of the gospel. Most of these of these girls have never seen their fathers since they have been alive in the last 19 years and they just here of them being in places like Nigeria. It has really played an effect on me of the gift of love. It is sad to see but there are a lot of people who have never been loved before and their families are just separated apart, just going through the motions of life with out the happiness and comfort of a family bond. It was neat after we shared the lessons with them they said that they really want to come to church but they needed some taxi money to get there. We gave them some money and they seemed as if they enjoyed church and I hope that the messages and spirit they felt can be imprinted on there hearts. But they were a highlight for me during the week. We have also been trying to get 7 baptismal dates this week for the 16th of January. We have 5 solid people so far but we have been also working with Salma and Maria who we have been teaching at the Mongome family. We are fasting with Maria at the moment because she is trying to get some money to go to school in Stellonbosch. It is really playing a tole on me right now because of the heat and yesterday I ate just a cookie. So Im not to geared up for it, but she is cool she is studying to become a doctor. I have noticed that the best thing for them is just to show love by service. I can really see the potential they can have in the future from their living the gospel. They don’t have much support from their mom who lives in Caprivi and family that is across the world. They are good girls and they are leaving Windhoek for the holidays along with a lot of our other investigators. Windhoek is just a place for people to have employment with the companies of diamond mining and large supporters of employment so people can make money. Well this week will be a lot of tracting to do but hopefully we can see miracles in the process. This Christmas it is going to kind of be strange we have to be in our places by 5 on Christmas and Christmas eve for security reasons but anyways will talk with you this week. Have a good week
Elder Tyler Hansen
Tyler Dec 14 09
Please Don’t send pictures of the snow it will make me homesick. The days and nights are just getting hot here. We don’t even sleep with covers anymore it's to hot and we have one fan that blows in the night and I just sweat in the night because of the heat. If hell was anywhere it would be in the desert here. Dad you had a question about the food here. It is about the same as South Africa but the prices are a lot more expensive. The milk in the country doesn’t last to long I have noticed but we got some eggs a little while ago and when we cracked them they were rotten so we have had some bad luck with the dairy products here. The mission gives the Namibia Elders a little more money for food though so it helps. I don’t believe there is a lot of agriculture here in Windhoek but it seems a lot of food is shipped from South Africa. This past week was transfers and I am now in the Windhoek north area with Elder Mbatha from South Africa. We moved in on Thursday and We’ll be staying by Sister Ruth who is a member. He is my only true black companion that I have had but he is pretty cool to be around. He speaks zulu and he is just funny because everywhere we go he has to shine his shoes. We also got another senior couple in the area that will be mainly in the Katatura area. They are from the four corners and they are a Navajo called the platerus’s. We are working basically the northern half of Windhoek which include the areas of Windhoek north, west, central and also klein Windhoek and also Eros and Darodo park and valley. We have 15 investigator coming to church and this past week we established dates for 5 of them on the 16th of January. The Namibia zone wants to set a goal of having 40 baptisms in the zone where we are trying to have a big baptism date at the end of the transfer on the 16th of January. I think 40 is definitely be reached and is pretty logical but it will be difficult as well. So it looks like it will be a good Christmas so far. I have some stuff that I was going to send for Christmas but to send mail from Namibia is expensive. It is 10 grams for 6 namibian dollars. With just the few things that I would send it would cost like a 100 U.S. dollars so I will send the stuff when I get back to South Africa. I am excited about the people we have dates set for with Ndepewa, Heaven, and the Yeta sisters from Zambia. They all have a good support system and all have a desire to be baptized. Ndepewa works for a private hospital in ryno park and she is a nurse. She comprehends and understands the gospel and was a referral from her boyfriend who is going to a university in Cape Town. She came to church for the first time this week and this past week we introduced the plan of salvation and gave her a pamphlet to read. When we came back she pretty much told us what the plan of salvation was. We also able to find quite a few new investigators and it seems like a lot of the people have been Portuguese. Elder Mbatha doesn’t like teaching white people. We met with a guy named Paulo who is from Portugal and when we introduced the Book of Mormon to him he seemed very excited about it because he had never seen such correct writing of Portuguese so we look forward to seeing how he is doing this upcoming week. Well I think that is about it for the week but have enjoy the holidays.
Elder Tyler Hansen
Please Don’t send pictures of the snow it will make me homesick. The days and nights are just getting hot here. We don’t even sleep with covers anymore it's to hot and we have one fan that blows in the night and I just sweat in the night because of the heat. If hell was anywhere it would be in the desert here. Dad you had a question about the food here. It is about the same as South Africa but the prices are a lot more expensive. The milk in the country doesn’t last to long I have noticed but we got some eggs a little while ago and when we cracked them they were rotten so we have had some bad luck with the dairy products here. The mission gives the Namibia Elders a little more money for food though so it helps. I don’t believe there is a lot of agriculture here in Windhoek but it seems a lot of food is shipped from South Africa. This past week was transfers and I am now in the Windhoek north area with Elder Mbatha from South Africa. We moved in on Thursday and We’ll be staying by Sister Ruth who is a member. He is my only true black companion that I have had but he is pretty cool to be around. He speaks zulu and he is just funny because everywhere we go he has to shine his shoes. We also got another senior couple in the area that will be mainly in the Katatura area. They are from the four corners and they are a Navajo called the platerus’s. We are working basically the northern half of Windhoek which include the areas of Windhoek north, west, central and also klein Windhoek and also Eros and Darodo park and valley. We have 15 investigator coming to church and this past week we established dates for 5 of them on the 16th of January. The Namibia zone wants to set a goal of having 40 baptisms in the zone where we are trying to have a big baptism date at the end of the transfer on the 16th of January. I think 40 is definitely be reached and is pretty logical but it will be difficult as well. So it looks like it will be a good Christmas so far. I have some stuff that I was going to send for Christmas but to send mail from Namibia is expensive. It is 10 grams for 6 namibian dollars. With just the few things that I would send it would cost like a 100 U.S. dollars so I will send the stuff when I get back to South Africa. I am excited about the people we have dates set for with Ndepewa, Heaven, and the Yeta sisters from Zambia. They all have a good support system and all have a desire to be baptized. Ndepewa works for a private hospital in ryno park and she is a nurse. She comprehends and understands the gospel and was a referral from her boyfriend who is going to a university in Cape Town. She came to church for the first time this week and this past week we introduced the plan of salvation and gave her a pamphlet to read. When we came back she pretty much told us what the plan of salvation was. We also able to find quite a few new investigators and it seems like a lot of the people have been Portuguese. Elder Mbatha doesn’t like teaching white people. We met with a guy named Paulo who is from Portugal and when we introduced the Book of Mormon to him he seemed very excited about it because he had never seen such correct writing of Portuguese so we look forward to seeing how he is doing this upcoming week. Well I think that is about it for the week but have enjoy the holidays.
Elder Tyler Hansen
Tyler Dec 7 09
Thanks for the emails. Well this week has been good. We met this family that Elder Haugen and I are pretty excited about in Klein Kuppe in the white area. We followed up with the Vantraan/Gelderblom family that we tracked into. They have different surnames because of divorce and the kids still take their fathers name who lives in Pioneers Park but they are really excited for us to come back. When we first seen them they thought that we were Jehovah Witness but after a short while of conversing with them we began to develop a relationship of trust with them. There is this girl named Milla who is fourteen and she is probably one of the most spiritual girls that I have met on my mission but she had a lot of questions and she was answering herself. She asked are babies baptized and then she would talk to us a little while and respond that they can't really commit sin so she knew that wasn't right. She also told us that the purpose of this life was a time to prepare to meet God and that God was almost like testing us to be here. I was really impressed by their interest and knowledge that was coming by the way that they felt. They don't really attend church at all and don't have a lot of scriptural knowledge so they are really excited to have us back to learn about God. It is just really kind of nice to have a decent conversation with white people who want to learn more about all the confusion. We will see them this Friday which is really something to look forward to. This week we also painted the inside of our old boarding and prepared it for another senior couple coming up from New Mexico. We moved last week from the boarding in Saiderhoff to another place by the fruit and veg. shop in Windhoek. This past Sunday as well the branch had there annual Christmas program that was held by the relief society. They did a really good job and the branch also fed everyone who came to church that day. They ran out of food but it seemed mostly everyone was able to eat something. Well have a good week.
Elder Tyler Hansen
Thanks for the emails. Well this week has been good. We met this family that Elder Haugen and I are pretty excited about in Klein Kuppe in the white area. We followed up with the Vantraan/Gelderblom family that we tracked into. They have different surnames because of divorce and the kids still take their fathers name who lives in Pioneers Park but they are really excited for us to come back. When we first seen them they thought that we were Jehovah Witness but after a short while of conversing with them we began to develop a relationship of trust with them. There is this girl named Milla who is fourteen and she is probably one of the most spiritual girls that I have met on my mission but she had a lot of questions and she was answering herself. She asked are babies baptized and then she would talk to us a little while and respond that they can't really commit sin so she knew that wasn't right. She also told us that the purpose of this life was a time to prepare to meet God and that God was almost like testing us to be here. I was really impressed by their interest and knowledge that was coming by the way that they felt. They don't really attend church at all and don't have a lot of scriptural knowledge so they are really excited to have us back to learn about God. It is just really kind of nice to have a decent conversation with white people who want to learn more about all the confusion. We will see them this Friday which is really something to look forward to. This week we also painted the inside of our old boarding and prepared it for another senior couple coming up from New Mexico. We moved last week from the boarding in Saiderhoff to another place by the fruit and veg. shop in Windhoek. This past Sunday as well the branch had there annual Christmas program that was held by the relief society. They did a really good job and the branch also fed everyone who came to church that day. They ran out of food but it seemed mostly everyone was able to eat something. Well have a good week.
Elder Tyler Hansen
Monday, January 11, 2010
Regan, January 11, 2010

This week had been really good and the companionship though imperfect has become stronger and stronger unified each and every week and I Hope to continue to see that more and more as we adjust and use the amazing power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ to adjust and become better in our daily service and efforts to Him.
Monday we had a good P-day. We were able to have the Parkes family and the Spanish Elders out to play some soccer. We played with a few other kids and the Spanish Elders were able to set up an appointment with one of those that we played with. We then went to the Hearn's for dinner and shared a message that helped us understand how to better our study habits. We learned allot of great things from them because they are both in college right now.
Tuesday we tracted near our apartment in the morning. Though it was bitter cold I enjoyed every minute of it. We were able to talk with allot of great brother and sisters. We had some great contacts and were able to find Robbie and also Harris in the morning. After lunch we continued to work hard by tracting around a few former investigators. We talked with quite a few people and were able to share our testimonies with quite a few. We found Latanya and have an appointment with her tonight. We had Family Home Evening that night and we had some great experiences as we read 3 Nephi 11.
We started the day of by stopping by Latasha's home but she was not able to talk at the time so we set up an new appointment with her. We then went and followed up with a few potentials and less active members in the area and did a few 5v5's by them. After lunch we traveled to Prichard and visited Nicki Cotton who asked to have us come over as a media referral. After in our travels to Chickasaw we visited a less active member who wasn't interested and as we were doing 5v5's we found Michelle. We were able to share the beauty of the restoration with her. She committed very strongly to read and pray about the Book of Mormon and of the things we had shared with her. She has friends who are LDS in Monroeville and has been to church up there a couple of times in the past. We had our lesson with Kimberly which went well and she committed to the rest of the commandments that we were able to teach her. It has been truly a blessing seeing how His spirit has worked miracles in her life and has built her testimony so strongly. It brings me such Happiness and Joy. We visited with the Colvins after and had a great discussion. We talked and met all of the family and invited them to church on Sunday. Tyler and his Wife Chelsa came.
Thursday we had a great planning day and have continued to see how me can best focus on the needs of our investigators and really search in His light to recieve guidance and direction for them. We also have figured out how to effectively set up the new member discussions with the help of the ward members. We went to visit Leann but she wasn't home at the time so we tracted some house by her we hadn't visited yet. We had dinner with Sister Pacetti and had a great visit with her and her friend. Hopefully her friend will be able to come to church with her. We finished off the night by trying to see a few less active members.
Friday we had such a great Zone Conference. I was really uplifted and received many great new things that I have already begun to apply. His spirit has just continued to allow me to see more and more miracles and receive such a stronger testimony and Love for His marvelous work. I really felt a confirming witness as I was there and have now rededicated myself in stronger in doing His will in His work. We immediately left from there and traveled to Saraland. We visited with the Christensen's and the Coker family. They are doing really good even with some hard times that have hit them. We had dinner with the Mathie's and I am really grateful for there sacrifice to feed us even though they don't have that much. We visited with Sister Thompson and her husband. She is a recent convert from Minnesota and her new husband is not a member. We had a great little lesson with them and invited her to church because she has been struggling. She did come on Sunday and felt His spirit that she knew she had been missing.
Saturday we tracted over near the church. We weren't able to find anyone but did talk with some great people. We went to Prichard after lunch and had a great lesson with Mary Tucker. We shared with her the Plan of Salvation and His spirit really opened up the lesson as we were able to ask her what her thoughts and feelings were. She really opened up and His spirit testified to her Beautifully. We then visited with the Juarez family. They are doing alright except they have been having a few problems with there house. We had a great visit with them and invited the whole family out to church. We then continued to visit less active member up in the Eight Mile area and did some 5v5's We traveled back and stopped by Beth Baard. We talked with her and her husband who isn't a member. We found out that she wants to get the kids back into primary. They haven't been baptized and her husband's mom is a member but he has never read the Book of Mormon. We shared some of the gospel with him and he seemed quite interested in learning more.
Sunday we had a great church meeting. We didn't have any investigators at church because many of them who have been progressing don't have vehicles so we are working with the members to try and set up a few rides. Kimberly's Confirmation went really well and her countenance has just been glowing and glowing. It is quite the site to see. After we had a few lessons fall through after Church. We went to Bishop Parkes home so he could sign the Baptism and Confirmation record and we discussed a few things with him. After we traveled to Brother Serrano's and had a great lesson with him. He has been struggling in the past and now on his Journey back to full activity the Lord has blessed him so much. Just over the past few months he has gained such a strong testimony and as he bore his testimony to us last night I was humbled with respect at what the Lord has already done for him so far. It has been such a testimony builder for me.
All I can say is that this week was quite the amazing Journey with some ups and downs and in between that made this week a Beautiful experience in the Lives of so many.
Love You
Elder Regan Hansen
Monday we had a good P-day. We were able to have the Parkes family and the Spanish Elders out to play some soccer. We played with a few other kids and the Spanish Elders were able to set up an appointment with one of those that we played with. We then went to the Hearn's for dinner and shared a message that helped us understand how to better our study habits. We learned allot of great things from them because they are both in college right now.
Tuesday we tracted near our apartment in the morning. Though it was bitter cold I enjoyed every minute of it. We were able to talk with allot of great brother and sisters. We had some great contacts and were able to find Robbie and also Harris in the morning. After lunch we continued to work hard by tracting around a few former investigators. We talked with quite a few people and were able to share our testimonies with quite a few. We found Latanya and have an appointment with her tonight. We had Family Home Evening that night and we had some great experiences as we read 3 Nephi 11.
We started the day of by stopping by Latasha's home but she was not able to talk at the time so we set up an new appointment with her. We then went and followed up with a few potentials and less active members in the area and did a few 5v5's by them. After lunch we traveled to Prichard and visited Nicki Cotton who asked to have us come over as a media referral. After in our travels to Chickasaw we visited a less active member who wasn't interested and as we were doing 5v5's we found Michelle. We were able to share the beauty of the restoration with her. She committed very strongly to read and pray about the Book of Mormon and of the things we had shared with her. She has friends who are LDS in Monroeville and has been to church up there a couple of times in the past. We had our lesson with Kimberly which went well and she committed to the rest of the commandments that we were able to teach her. It has been truly a blessing seeing how His spirit has worked miracles in her life and has built her testimony so strongly. It brings me such Happiness and Joy. We visited with the Colvins after and had a great discussion. We talked and met all of the family and invited them to church on Sunday. Tyler and his Wife Chelsa came.
Thursday we had a great planning day and have continued to see how me can best focus on the needs of our investigators and really search in His light to recieve guidance and direction for them. We also have figured out how to effectively set up the new member discussions with the help of the ward members. We went to visit Leann but she wasn't home at the time so we tracted some house by her we hadn't visited yet. We had dinner with Sister Pacetti and had a great visit with her and her friend. Hopefully her friend will be able to come to church with her. We finished off the night by trying to see a few less active members.
Friday we had such a great Zone Conference. I was really uplifted and received many great new things that I have already begun to apply. His spirit has just continued to allow me to see more and more miracles and receive such a stronger testimony and Love for His marvelous work. I really felt a confirming witness as I was there and have now rededicated myself in stronger in doing His will in His work. We immediately left from there and traveled to Saraland. We visited with the Christensen's and the Coker family. They are doing really good even with some hard times that have hit them. We had dinner with the Mathie's and I am really grateful for there sacrifice to feed us even though they don't have that much. We visited with Sister Thompson and her husband. She is a recent convert from Minnesota and her new husband is not a member. We had a great little lesson with them and invited her to church because she has been struggling. She did come on Sunday and felt His spirit that she knew she had been missing.
Saturday we tracted over near the church. We weren't able to find anyone but did talk with some great people. We went to Prichard after lunch and had a great lesson with Mary Tucker. We shared with her the Plan of Salvation and His spirit really opened up the lesson as we were able to ask her what her thoughts and feelings were. She really opened up and His spirit testified to her Beautifully. We then visited with the Juarez family. They are doing alright except they have been having a few problems with there house. We had a great visit with them and invited the whole family out to church. We then continued to visit less active member up in the Eight Mile area and did some 5v5's We traveled back and stopped by Beth Baard. We talked with her and her husband who isn't a member. We found out that she wants to get the kids back into primary. They haven't been baptized and her husband's mom is a member but he has never read the Book of Mormon. We shared some of the gospel with him and he seemed quite interested in learning more.
Sunday we had a great church meeting. We didn't have any investigators at church because many of them who have been progressing don't have vehicles so we are working with the members to try and set up a few rides. Kimberly's Confirmation went really well and her countenance has just been glowing and glowing. It is quite the site to see. After we had a few lessons fall through after Church. We went to Bishop Parkes home so he could sign the Baptism and Confirmation record and we discussed a few things with him. After we traveled to Brother Serrano's and had a great lesson with him. He has been struggling in the past and now on his Journey back to full activity the Lord has blessed him so much. Just over the past few months he has gained such a strong testimony and as he bore his testimony to us last night I was humbled with respect at what the Lord has already done for him so far. It has been such a testimony builder for me.
All I can say is that this week was quite the amazing Journey with some ups and downs and in between that made this week a Beautiful experience in the Lives of so many.
Love You
Elder Regan Hansen
Monday, January 4, 2010
Regan, January 4, 2010
This week has been really good even with having to fight a little bit of a cold off. I am so grateful that when you are working hard and doing the Lord's work that those things that seem to harp you the most are in the back of your mind or not even apparent at all.
Monday we had a really good p-day. We were able to do allot of things that helped us get ready for the week. We were able to prepare by getting a few things that we needed throughout the week for different appointments that we had set up. That evening we had a great dinner and did some contacting.
Tuesday we had to conserve some miles so we traveled a short distance and tracted for a few hours close to home. We talked to some great people and had some great discussions. We were able to set up an appointment with Leann who we had tracted into. After Lunch we went up to Prichard to visit Jessie and hew wasn't home but we were talked with Mary and taught a first lesson. The spirit was very strong and you could see the light in here eyes because of the great Love that she was feeling. We came back and tracted because we weren't able to talk with Davis. We had some really great discussions and one sister had some really great questioned and we cleared up allot of thing she had heard. Even though she wasn't interested in having us come back she really enjoyed the thought of learning more on Mormon.org. We finished the night with FHE and had a great lesson on missionary work.
Wednesday we went to visit with Latasha but she wasn't available at the time. We visited a few less actives around here and also did 5v5's by them. We went up near the church and visited with Sister Tiller. She is a really great sister and as we invited her to come back to the fold the spirit came in very strongly. We traveled with Eric Hearn and taught Kimberly about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She is doing well and keeping all of her commitments. That evening as we were visiting less active we talked with the Mason's and also with Sister Gover. She is interested in coming back to church and we are going to help her make that final step.
Thursday we had a great planning session after we had Breakfast with Sister Jett and the Morris's. We were really able to establish why some of our investigators were not keeping commitments. We pondered on how to help them or if we should drop them and we received some great guidance. We went and visited Sister Justesen and she is doing really well. We met Sister Maples and she is doing really well to. That night we had a great correlation meeting with Brother Jordan and got everything planned for Kimberly's baptism.
Friday we weren't able to have District meeting because the Theodore Elders apartment flooded. We went and did a bit of tracting when we found out they couldn't make it. We had lunch with the Parkes family which was great. We then went to Prichard to visit Mary and Annet. We were able to set up some appointments with them but were not able to teach them at the time. We had dinner with the Curtis's and that went great. We visited with President and Sister Singleton for a moment and asked Sister Singleton a few things about Kimberly's Baptism. We then visited with the Millers and had a great visit. Sister Miller has been feeling allot better than she has.
Saturday we had District Meeting first things. It went really well and the focus was on planning and making sure that we are figuring our ways in all of our area's to have more effective plan's set up and worked through each and every day. We then went and visited Annet Braggs and had a great lesson with her. We then went an visited less active members in the Eight Mile area. We were able to talk with quite a few great sisters and invite them to come back to church. We finished the night by making calls for Kimberly's baptism and confirming with those who are helping. Crazy enough we actually have all of our referrals done and we are waiting for more to come.
Sunday was a marvelous day. Kimberly had a great day at church and also in Sacrament meeting. After we had her baptism which her husband came to. The Spirit was very strong and the smile that she had on her face almost brought me to tears as I felt the same joy that she felt through her hard work and dedication to be able to partake in such a beautiful life changing experience. We visited with a Referral Terry Clark and watched Finding Faith in Christ with him. We were able to use the DVD to teach him and answered most of the questions that we had and committed him to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. We then visited with Brother Serrano and went of 1 Nephi 21 with him. It was such a great opportunity and we all learned some really great scriptures together.
This week even with the times that I have felt ill as I was able to work hard and lose myself in the work the Lord blessed me with the strength that I needed to Press forward and Keep my eye single to his will.
Love You
Elder Regan Hansen
Monday we had a really good p-day. We were able to do allot of things that helped us get ready for the week. We were able to prepare by getting a few things that we needed throughout the week for different appointments that we had set up. That evening we had a great dinner and did some contacting.
Tuesday we had to conserve some miles so we traveled a short distance and tracted for a few hours close to home. We talked to some great people and had some great discussions. We were able to set up an appointment with Leann who we had tracted into. After Lunch we went up to Prichard to visit Jessie and hew wasn't home but we were talked with Mary and taught a first lesson. The spirit was very strong and you could see the light in here eyes because of the great Love that she was feeling. We came back and tracted because we weren't able to talk with Davis. We had some really great discussions and one sister had some really great questioned and we cleared up allot of thing she had heard. Even though she wasn't interested in having us come back she really enjoyed the thought of learning more on Mormon.org. We finished the night with FHE and had a great lesson on missionary work.
Wednesday we went to visit with Latasha but she wasn't available at the time. We visited a few less actives around here and also did 5v5's by them. We went up near the church and visited with Sister Tiller. She is a really great sister and as we invited her to come back to the fold the spirit came in very strongly. We traveled with Eric Hearn and taught Kimberly about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She is doing well and keeping all of her commitments. That evening as we were visiting less active we talked with the Mason's and also with Sister Gover. She is interested in coming back to church and we are going to help her make that final step.
Thursday we had a great planning session after we had Breakfast with Sister Jett and the Morris's. We were really able to establish why some of our investigators were not keeping commitments. We pondered on how to help them or if we should drop them and we received some great guidance. We went and visited Sister Justesen and she is doing really well. We met Sister Maples and she is doing really well to. That night we had a great correlation meeting with Brother Jordan and got everything planned for Kimberly's baptism.
Friday we weren't able to have District meeting because the Theodore Elders apartment flooded. We went and did a bit of tracting when we found out they couldn't make it. We had lunch with the Parkes family which was great. We then went to Prichard to visit Mary and Annet. We were able to set up some appointments with them but were not able to teach them at the time. We had dinner with the Curtis's and that went great. We visited with President and Sister Singleton for a moment and asked Sister Singleton a few things about Kimberly's Baptism. We then visited with the Millers and had a great visit. Sister Miller has been feeling allot better than she has.
Saturday we had District Meeting first things. It went really well and the focus was on planning and making sure that we are figuring our ways in all of our area's to have more effective plan's set up and worked through each and every day. We then went and visited Annet Braggs and had a great lesson with her. We then went an visited less active members in the Eight Mile area. We were able to talk with quite a few great sisters and invite them to come back to church. We finished the night by making calls for Kimberly's baptism and confirming with those who are helping. Crazy enough we actually have all of our referrals done and we are waiting for more to come.
Sunday was a marvelous day. Kimberly had a great day at church and also in Sacrament meeting. After we had her baptism which her husband came to. The Spirit was very strong and the smile that she had on her face almost brought me to tears as I felt the same joy that she felt through her hard work and dedication to be able to partake in such a beautiful life changing experience. We visited with a Referral Terry Clark and watched Finding Faith in Christ with him. We were able to use the DVD to teach him and answered most of the questions that we had and committed him to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. We then visited with Brother Serrano and went of 1 Nephi 21 with him. It was such a great opportunity and we all learned some really great scriptures together.
This week even with the times that I have felt ill as I was able to work hard and lose myself in the work the Lord blessed me with the strength that I needed to Press forward and Keep my eye single to his will.
Love You
Elder Regan Hansen
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