Hansen Missionary Journal
The Travels and Experiences of Missionary Service Preformed by the Grandchildren of John Kay and Ann Hansen, of Palmyra Utah
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Hey family
Well it is good to hear from you guys. Well this week was pretty hard we had 12 set appointments cancel, I was disappointed but it ended well because we should be picking up a new investigator, her name is Devon. She is seventeen and she moved away from home to her aunts, I guess to controlling, but anyways she contacted the bishop and we set up a time to meet it is going to be good. I gave a talk on Sunday about missionary work it was good. I got up there for five mins it was kind of easy to talk once I got up there, it is just getting to that point. But it was good, I just bore a long testimony of what we were learning it was good too because we had Elder L Tom Perry come to our mission, we listened to him it was good. He talked just about the organization of the church and how everything is suppose to be it went good I really enjoyed it! I liked elder Maynes talk the best he talked about finding the searchers rather than convincing the gospel on people it was really good. Well that was about my everything is good here. It's sunny and going to rain I guess this week…we'll see I bet it doesn't. Have a wonder full week everyone.
Love Elder Hansen
Monday, September 19, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Well his week has been a good one. We had an emergency preparedness fair with everyone in town and that was really good. We were able to get one investigator from it, she is our only investigator but really there wasn't that many people at the fair so i wonder if it will be done again. But other then the people it was put on really well. Wheatland is a small town and there isn't many people interested like i said we only have one investigator we are hoping to pick up one this week a couple of kids that we are going to start teaching so that should be good. I get to go to the temple this week this Saturday with my trainer who we taught she is an 85 year old woman and she is just cool. but we had Elder Kearon of the first quorum of the seventy come to our half mission conference yesterday so we are taking our p day today but that was really good they are all so spirituall it is amazing they gave good talks and helped us out so much on some of the things. It is funny because it is just review but its so good how much deeper they go into the doctrine. Other then that the ward is doing good we are just going to start new ways to find and do things out there so it will be a good week. Thanks for all you guys do, I hope you have a good week. Thanks so much i love you all have a good week.
Love Elder Hansen
Monday, August 8, 2011
Hey family,Well this week went good we got a new investigator just like that then just like that she was gone and down in the bay area she is eight months pregnant and she is staying with mom tell the baby is out and a couple weeks after but she is interested we want to send the missionaries down there it was cool so her name is paulina but she was interested enough to listen then we got to families can be together forever and she just light up so it was cool to be able to see that and how she was excited we were going to have two lessons with her but she left before we got the second one in so now we just have to worry about jo still we are going to have to push back her date because we have stake conference on the 20th so we are moving it back one week i hope she is fine with it she should be. but this week went fast we have done alot of tracting and everything we visit alot of members to try and get them motivated to find those people who are looking for the gospel. the girls over here just had young womans camp too i guess two went up sick and got everyone else sick haha it cracked me up. its funny so our ride to get us around on p day ditched us so this week we found a baby cart and we are going to use it to do laundry and get groceries its funny my comp doesnt like it but i think its funny so its on my bike now haha. we also met a lady who is less active she has a daugther who is twelve but she wants to be baptised i dont think the dad wants it but we will have to start working with them the mom has memory loss too so she just knew us because of the white shirt and ties haha. other then that its still hot but we dont know the temp. so we just keep on moving no matter what happens our bikes are our ac so we just ride. I hope all is well with you guys. well love you all have fun .
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
July 25, 2011
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Tyler Aug 2 2010

Well hello family
Sorry about this last week. I don’t know what happened but I almost think that your email is rejecting again for some reason. Well it has been hard working with the ward mission leader. As a mission, the mission is setting a goal of 60 baptisms per month and there is 8 zones in the mission and so it is 8 baptisms per zone that we are trying to achieve. We have 19 baptismal dates as a zone for the month of August which would be really good if we achieve it. Our ward mission leader was a missionary in the Porto Rico mission a long time ago and when he heard of how the missions goal is 60. He got kind of down on us saying that when he was in his mission he was getting 60 as a district and he was an AP in his mission and basically the mission president there. In East London 2nd the ward has a goal of 24 baptisms this year and we have 2 so far and but anyways it’s a long story but we are trying to please our ward mission leader with the way things are done in Cape Town and how ever they did it in Porto Rico. We are trying to get some more member help to find father led, but in Porto Rico I guess that they did not use members to find. Well I just have to look at it as a good learning experience .
This past week we have been doing quite a bit of finding at the Emerald sky flats and we have found some success. It is pretty close to the chapel in Haven Hills and we hope we can find some more father led families in the area. While doing our finding approaches in the area we were able to find two less active families individuals in the area. Zanele and also Lungi and they were found in some pretty cool ways. We found Lungi when the power was out and his flat was the only one with a candle and he asked us, do you guys have some light? We responded back that we have the light of the gospel. We were hoping that more people would come to church with all the commitments that we left but nobody that we saw came to church but we still believe it is a good area to keep going at it. I thoroughly enjoyed the exchanges with Elder Msimango one of the ap’s from Qauznatel in Durban and learned a lot from him to be a better person and better missionary. We extended a baptismal date with the Fuindees and both the mom and Nabisa are excited and know that the things that they are reading from the book of mormon and the things from the gospel that we are sharing are true, so we will continue to work with them and prepare them for the 14th of August. Zokiswa who is also doing very well told us that she was just on leave in East London and she is going back to Queenstown for nursing this upcoming week but we got all of her details and so that we can send it to Queenstown, so that she can be baptized when she continues to be taught. She just loves the teachings of the church and has a desire to come to the truth. It looks like there will be a lot of baptisms here in this part of the vineyard there is 21 baptismal dates for the East London zone and a lot of baptisms projected to be performed in the month of August. Well I hope that you have a good week. I have some stuff on the plan of salvation that I will send to Chris it will be a great help to have learn about some of these doctrines.
Take care and be safe
Love Elder Tyler Hansen
Tyler Aug 2 2010
I guess I emailed the poems as well. Here are the quotes you desired.
Love, Sister Probst
Elder Neal A. Maxwell: “…ultimate consecration is the yielding up of oneself to God. If kept, then our performances will, in turn, be fully consecrated for the lasting welfare of or souls.”
Pres. Spencer W. Kimball “Practically all dishonesty owes its existence and growth to this inward distortion we call self-justification. It is the first, the worst, and most insidious and damaging form of cheating—to cheat oneself.”
Karl G. Maeser felt strongly that each of us at one time or another must face ourselves and choose between personal interests and that which we know to be right. He was once asked why he meant by “word of honor.” This was his answer. “Place me behind prison walls—walls of stone ever so high, ever so thick, reaching ever so far into the ground. There is a possibility that in some way or another I may be able to escape. But stand me on that floor and draw a chalk line around me and have me give my word of honor never to cross it. Can I get out of that circle? No. Never. I would die first.”
President James E. Faust: …”An honorable man or woman will personally commit to live up to certain self-imposed expectations. They need no outside check or control. They are honorable in their inner core.”
Elder Neal A. Maxwell: “If we desire the fullness we cannot hold back…The greatest happiness in God’s generous plan is finally reserved for those who are willing to stretch and to pay the costs of journeying to His regal realm.”
Monday, July 19, 2010
Tyler July 19 2010
Well the picture pretty much explains it. Minki was baptized this past Saturday and bro. Duncan Olshig was the one who baptized her. Bro Lopez is our ward mission leader and he is just to the right of me. He is author of a book get better in 90 minutes which I just recently read through. It is pretty good but he is a psychologist and so their is some interesting things printed their. He is a motivational speaker and is from Mexico just hanging out in South Africa of all places in the world because he loves the beauty here. Minkis baptism was a great success and she was even willing to be baptized in the cold water since the hot water heater wasn’t working. I was just impressed to see that Zokiswa and Ndende both came to church it made it a real highlight since we weren’t really expecting Ndende to come and since she is quite lethargic. Zukiswa could definitely be baptized soon since she is reading quite a bit of the book of mormon each day. We hope to find some more father led families which bishop really purposed and I am really impressed with bishop Human and his determination to find with us as well. He said this past week he would find with us a little so he is really a champion. I was able to go with Elder Cooney this past week on exchanges and he is doing quite well. They could definitely have quite a few baptisms in the ward in the next couple of months. We were able to see Jenny, Phillip, and also bro Banda and I saw that they all came to church yesterday. I was really impressed with how he works with the members because sis Vonbrugen came to Jenny's place and helped fellow shipped. I could also see that bro Banda is moving along as well and had some good questions about the Savior being Jehovah so we shared a little out of Ether Ch 3. It is a nice father led family and I just noticed that Elder Cooney has a great love for the area and so there is much success in the old area of 1st ward. We have a lot of good district leaders but Elder Kambeva in Gramstown every time you call him to give reports he just says, We are good. How is the work ethic out there? good. How is your companion? good. Did you have any spiritual experiences? good. Some of these African elders are pretty funny. Well we will have zone conference this upcoming Tuesday and I only have 3 including this one left. It is entitled how do I work with my ward and branch leaders more effectively. For our zone report we are going to do an hour presentation on progress records and how to do them properly to present them to a ward mission leader. I have some good questions that I am going to ask president so that is something I look forward to sharing. I sent the package it is on its way. you will like it but hopefully it gets there. I talked with Elder Cannon and he said his package that he sent took 8 months to get home to Moab, UT. But I insured it so I believe they will respect it. I will send some more stuff out this week though through airmail. Thanks have a good day and send some more pictures.
love Elder Tyler Hansen
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Tyler July 12 2010
How was your week? It was a good week. Brother Lopez had a missionary fireside that tied into a motivation speech and their was quite a few people who attended and we committed them to find 3 people in the next 3 weeks to give to us as referrals so we are excited to see the results of that. We are finding more and more people that like the family proclamations when we find near Egoli and we have also been able to do a few business approaches to places like Wimpys in Vincent using the family proclamation. We followed up with this white Africaans family who we gave a book of mormon to the (Wanrensburgs) and they have read through about 40 pages of it and he says that it is really interesting, It is just very exciting when you can give a white person a book of mormon and they are willing to read it. Minki postponed her baptism but will be baptized this Saturday, We don't know why she postponed but she just said it was because of lady problems. Well This week was transfers and both me and Elder Heydenrych will be staying together until August 19. We haven't really been able to watch any of the games at all, but all day the people are usually in their home watching the games. Since we are in East London and there is no stadium cups their just isn't as much noise. I wish that I was kind of serving in Cape Town or Port Elizabeth to hear some more excitement. A lot of the zone hasn't changed much at all with this last transfer. We only had two people that changed in our zone and they were based in Gramstown and so we sent them off and picked up Elder Kambeva and Elder Motsephe from East London airport on Thursday. well have a good week.
love Elder Tyler Hansen
Tyler July 6 2010
Well happy birthday throughout the week Cassandra. I wasn’t able to get the letter through yesterday but all is well for the both of us here. This past week has been good with the members being able to come out with us. We took out Bro. Jikejela on Saturday morning after setting a few appointment during the week and most of them held. We were both just very impressed with Bro. Jikijella and the confidence that he had as he was answering the questions of the people, I think that he just got promoted to be a ward missionary but it was good to have him because a lot of fellow shippers you have to prod and poke to get them to say something but he was very open with the lessons that we taught. Bro Lopez the ward mission leader is going to do a ward fireside with the members of the ward and will do that on this Sunday. He will do a power point presentation to help excite the members to get the gospel to everyone around. Minki we finally was able to help her to baptism and she will be baptized this Sunday so that is really a highlight. We went on exchanges with Elder Cannon and Elder Fozard and Elder Fozard came over to our area. I was very impressed with his teaching skills and his dedication to mission even with the resistance from his family. We had some good appointments that still held and also handed out some of the magazines throughout the day to different business around East London mainly in the Vincent area. I am impressed with the responses that we get of just handing out magazines because a lot of the people that we meet are working class people and usually have some good questions. I was thinking of stapling some questions to the souls onto the magazines to create some more interest in the people, but it is quite nice to get some good responses from different business around. Have a good week.
Love Elder Tyler Hansen
Tyler June 28 2010
Chris you had a question about some advice on mission? read the book of mormon and everything will work together for your good. Love the book of mormon because you will have to read it for two years. Well this week has been full of peaks and shadows but this week we had the opportunity to visit Port Alfred and Gramstown. Thursday we came back to do some interviews with President. Sometimes I don't like to write what happens during the week because life is interesting here in South Africa. On interviews I told president I said you know president it seem like mission getting harder as you near the close how do keep up the spirituality and just keep on climbing? He says well it is a lot like the saviors ministry he said the most difficult time was during his last week that is when he went through most of the suffering and temptations and everything to accomplish the perfect atonement. Well I thought about the words that he said throughout that day. Anyways that evening we were headed back to the boarding it was a pretty hard day a lot of the appointments had dropped and things couldn't really get any worse for the most part. We started filling up the car at the pump and Elder Heydenrych said here can you come with me I need to go to the bathroom. So I said alright lets go. He went inside the store and asked the cashier where the toilets were, she said they were just around the corner. So we walked around the corner and all of the sudden something was going on that I had least expected, there was this lady that was crouched down taking a wiz on the side of the building. We walked silently past her to the bathroom and as soon as I got in we both just started laughing, from the looks of it someone was in the woman's bathroom and she couldn't wait to go. I wish she could of at least went to the men's restroom but she didn't even seem embarrassed for the most part or anything. As we came out she was finishing up and just standing there. Well after that incident I was just like what in the world is this place coming to saying to myself well you don't see that everyday and trying to think of the saviors last week. Well it doesn't look like things are going to get any easier and you probably know why I don't give full day reports with all the tribulations that we face around here with these people. Well other than that we have had a pretty good week and we have a baptism on the 10th of July with our investigator Minky. Sounds like everything is going well back at home, just don't tell Kevin that story and tell him that Cape Town is the best mission really in this world. I told president Elder Farley was coming and he asked me if he was related to the Farley that came before. Transfers are coming up next week and so it will be a pretty busy one. Has the summer been pretty hot? Well have a good week have a good day.
love Elder Tyler Hansen
Tyler June 21 2010
Hello, happy fathers day yesterday dad. I hope everything was good. I need to send a package home but it is like 141 rand just to slow boat it home per Kg. and like 271 per kg with the flight, but I do have a lot of world cup stuff and Namibia stuff to send before I go through East London airways again. This zone leader stuff is quite a job sometimes getting all the information from the elders and then sending it to Cape Town. I would have to say the blessing of this mission is the cell phones that every companionship has but it can also be a problem as well. This week we are going on exchanges to Port Alfred and Gramstown today and so that will be a three day journey and then we will be back to East London on Thursday morning with the interviews with President Probst. You asked what the zone leader stuff is like? Well the zone leaders are together as a companionship and so you do the responsibility together. I think that I like it more than district leader because you can work together and just not as a one person. Every Friday we have to get reports back from the district leaders Cannon and Cooney in East London and then on Sunday night we get reports back from Elder Buthelezi and Elder Diphala who are in Port Alfred and Gramstown. Every other week we either call the ap's and send the information to them or it is done by typing the information in which we did that today. We also email all the statistics to the mission office in Cape Town and then give a zone leader workshop every six weeks when president is here and the zone conference is going on. The world cup is going pretty well their are a lot of families that are always home and some of them are willing to shut off the t.v. so that we can teach something. It is funny to get emails from home because they have no idea what being on mission is like. I haven't seen any soccer games but I hear that the USA is tying all their games and South Africa isn't doing the greatest. We have one girl for baptism, her name is Minki and she has been taught now for the past couple of months. We keep giving her dates and she just wants to keep postponing them to the next week. We went to the Kaschula farm this past Friday and Minki was able to attend but I was able to see a lot of people from the other wards because they had a triple ward sausage sizzle. The ap's came this week and we did the exchange with Elder Tanner and Elder Msimango and so I went with Elder Tanner for the day. We have had a hard time finding new investigators lately and so we have been doing some different business tracting. It is really small world, their is this girl that just walked into the email cafe and she said that she is from Mapleton, Utah and she is doing some research for Byu and has been in the country for like a month. Well you will have to send some pictures of the summer because I need some. have a good week.
love Elder Tyler Hansen
Tyler June 14 2010
How are you doing, are you still alive? I didn't get anything from you guys for a first. Sorry I am sending some pretty lame letters and stuff , it seems like I cant send some decent emails with all this zone leader stuff you have to send to Cape Town. Well this week has been good. The world cup started up this past Friday and so there has been vuvuzelas that people are blowing day and night. I hope I can buy some flags of South Africa and world cup stuff to send back home. This past week we had our zone conference on Thursday and it was really good. We focused on the book of mormon and how we can better teach it to confirm the message of the restoration. Elder Heydenrych and I did our workshop and sister probst shared on being prepared. With the death of Elder Zulu a few weeks ago and things that are going on in the mission it was a good lesson. President Probst shared the incident that happened this past week. In the area of Queenstown there was a boarding that caught fire and the elders that were in are safe but all of there clothes and scriptures and everything that belonged to them personally was all destroyed. The elders got back home in the evening from proselyting the day that it happened and they found everything ruined and burned but they found one thing that was not destroyed and that was there area book with the records of the people that were in it. President Probst summarized the reasons why some things were burned and why that wasn't. Scriptures can only be good if they are used for someone else, garments can only be good if they are worn on the body for protection, It was a neat miracle that happened were the area book was completely untouched by any fire or flames. Well the Ap's are coming Thursday to do some exchanges with me and Heydendrych. Well have a good week!
love Elder Tyler Hansen
Tyler June 7 2010
Happy birthday Mom!!! I hope that your day goes well. That is pretty sweet that Kevin is coming to s.a.c.t.m. in October. Maybe I will be able to see him at the Johannesburg temple before I leave to home. He is lucky to get a mission president like the probsts they are champions. I have never met a harder working guy that can take so much into his mind like President Probst. Well this week is going to be busy and I don't have a lot of time to type but just know that I love you mom and that I care for you and what you do. I pray for you and the family daily. have a good week.
love Elder Tyler Hansen
Tyler June 7 2010
So further? i should really thank you for the wonderful gift, its beautiful and i really love it, thank you so much, am telling you am going to know all hyms from now on...hahahaha.
Am grateful for the time you have been here, for all the good news you have shared, continue to do the good work, and to bless the souls of many.
Alright then i think you must start learning how to write wth your right hand.....lol am jst kidding....i first sent the mail to the wrong address, so the way you wrote the full stop, it looks like -, so they returned it, so i hope this one really finds you as it is.
Cheers Tyler, take care and be blessed!!!!