Monday, July 5, 2010

Regan July 5, 2010

This past week was a very trying week for all of us because we were able to go out and do even though not to many things happened for us. We were able to set up an have some great lessons that really allowed us to feel the Love that our Heavenly Father has for his Children.

Monday we had the normal p-day stuff with shopping and doing our emails. We stopped by Brother Martyn's and talked with him about things in the Elders Quorum. He just got all of his counselors called and they are working on finding those that they can bring back into full activity. We continued after by having dinner with the Fairchild's which was really good and we were able to do some service for them after.

Tuesday we started the morning off by tracting for a little bit which went well. We were able to testify and ask for referrals, which allowed us to stay in the right spirit and be focused on what our purpose is. We stopped by the Campbell's in the afternoon and talked with them for a little bit. They have some family members that are hoping to do the stop smoking program in which we hope will peak their curiosity about he church. We continued with a bunch of tracting throughout the day and talked with quite a few people that we picked up as potential investigators. We visited Sister Hall for a minute and invited her to church. She has been busy with her courses she teaches up at University of South Alabama. We then went to family home evening which went well and the spirit was able to share with me some great insights. We then went and had dinner with the Fairchild's which was great and helped them move a few things.

Wednesday we went to the church and helped set up different things for Sister Jett's funeral. We were able to get a lot of things accomplished which helped take pressure off of the family. After lunch we visited with Kimberly Evans and read in 3 Nephi with her. She has been able to get back in the routine of reading everyday and the change in her life has been great to see. We went and taught a lesson to Melissa and answered allot of questions that she had from reading. She was able to read 1 Nephi 2-3 and she personally learned tons of new things. We focused with her to continue to read and pray which she committed to do. We stopped to see how Sister Mathie has been doing. We were able to catch her at home and she has been doing pretty good since Brother Mathie passed away. We visited with Sister Thompson and invited her to church but she didn't make it. We then went to Sister Jett's wake and talked with a few family members and were there to support in anyway that we could. We then finished the night over at Tyler and Chelsa Colvins home which went well. We were able to give Chelsa a blessing before her surgery tomorrow which really helped her.

Thursday we attended Sister Jett's funeral service which went well and the spirit and the messages shared really touched every one's heart. Sister Jett was truly an example of one who serves and never complained about anything. We had lunch with the Parke's which went well and then we came back and started planning. We were able to set some great goals that will help us to continue to focus on being diligent in the Lord's Service. We visited after with the Weatherington's which went really well. Brother Weatherington has finally gotten to slow down at work and it sounds like they will be able to attend church more often now. We then tracted for a bit and went to Brother Serrano's. Brother Serrano is doing well and even though he has been having to work on Sunday's he has really kept his focus on reading everyday and it has helped him out a bunch.

Friday we went with Brother Cogsdell to visit an investigator in Mt. Vernon but he wasn't home at the time and we set up a new appointment with him. We visited with the Cogsdells for a minute which was great. We then visited with the Christianson's which went well. They have both been really busy with a new child and work which has really kept them from being able to do allot. We then came back and had a great Zone Conference. It was wonderful being able to meet President and Sister Jensen and I am sad to say that I don't get to meet and talk with them more. The spirit was very strong and there was a strong sense of unity throughout the entire zone. We had dinner with the Curtis's after which went well and we are now going to share with them the home teaching message each month. We visited with Sam Smith after and invited him to church. He said that he would be there and we were excited.

Saturday was a pretty busy day all around for us with service and visiting with many people. We started the day with Bishop's storehouse which went great and even with the truck being late we were able to get all the orders out and on time. We then had dinner with the Morris's which went really well. We then went and tracted and talked with some really great people and taught a few lessons but we weren't able to set follow up appointments with them at the time. We had dinner with Ryesha Henderson and her family which went well and we were able to invite them to church. Ryesha's husband isn't a member and a lot of her family there are less active. We finished the night with a little bit of tracting and had a great lesson with Caroline. We answered her questions and shared a little bit more in detail some of the principles about the Restoration. We should be able to set a Baptismal Date with her this week which is great.

Well we definitely stayed really busy today and had a really great turnout at church even with the Holiday. Melissa was able to make it to church and we had a lesson with her and some of our recent converts which went really well. The spirit was very powerful and the testimonies that were shared touched my heart and strengthened my testimony in so many ways. After church we tracted foro a few hours which was great and then we visited with a few members. We visited the Blackmon's and they are doing pretty good. Brother Blackmon told us that he would be at church next week. We had an early dinner with the Hearn's which was great and we were able to spend few moments with them. We then left and visited with a few potentials that didn't end up panning out but that is just fine. We finished the night after a few more visits and tracting by spending sometime with the Parkes and watched some fireweorks.

This week even with the many opportunities that didn't show anything in numbers means nothing compared to the spirit that we felt being used through us and around us. I know that this week that everyone that we saw was able to feel the spirit that we always strive to carry.

Love You

Elder Regan Hansen

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