This past week has really been a stretching week at times because we didn't know how at all we were possibly going to achieve what the Lord needed us to do. As we went and and worked through everything that was happening we were blessed to have a greater understand that allowed us to have His eyes to see, His ears to hear, and His work to become our work.
Monday we had a really great
preparation day and we were able to get
allot of things done. We were able to doing some cleaning and really focus on a few things at the apartment. I was able to really focus some more time on my journal and also reading and marking in the Book of Mormon. We had dinner with the
Fairchild's that night and had a great family home evening with them focused on the Godhead.
Tuesday we had a great District Meeting that really allowed us to gain a greater strength and
understanding of how to act and commit to the promptings of which we receive. I felt as if we were all endowed with a greater power at that moment to really see and find those that he needed us to find. We visited with the Hughes after lunch which was good and we invited them to come to church. Sister Hughes has been recovering from a heart attack a few weeks ago and has had some really great progress. We traveled to see
Evalyn Matonyei and had a really great restoration lesson with her. She was a member referral of which we received and she was very receptive. We left her with 3
Nephi 11 to read. We visited with Sister Thompson which was really great and we are hoping that she will come back to church. She has had many ups and downs recently and she is still struggling to find stable ground to land on. We visited with the Harris family and had a great time visiting with Brother Harris and his sisters. They haven't been to church for a while and we are planning on doing service for them which hopefully
will help us better get in the door and talk with them. We helped the Johnny's fill out a few paperwork things again and just set some goals with them about bettering their situation. We visited with Brother Serrano and had a great lesson with him and read out of Alma. We committed him to continue to read everyday because with work he is unable to attend church right now.
Wednesday Elder
Bawden had a doctors appointment which went really well and the doctor said that he is doing better and he can now exercise and soon everything will be completely healed which was great to hear. After we went and immediately began to tract. It was kind of a strange day of
tracting because on
every house that we knocked we didn't get an answer, but we continued to knock each and every door that we could. We had lunch with Sister
Klug which was great and we did a few things for her while we were there. We headed to Kimberly Evans home and had a really good lesson with her and read in Alma with her. She has been reading and it still is continuing to change her ability to greater focus on what he
wants her to learn. We stopped and visited with
Ryesha Henderson and set up a time that we could come back for another visit and a lesson. We then had dinner with the
Fairchild's after a bit more
tracting and we were able to talk with
allot of people this past time which was great. We found a few potentials that we will be following up with soon.
Thursday we spent
allot of our day up at the
Mathies helping them with some service they needed. We
received a call before lunch that Brother
Mathie had fallen so we rushed up to help him out. It is very sad to see that he doesn't have the strength or ability to do
allot of things that he used to be able to do. We were able to help him get up and we had a lunch with them which went well. We then spent some doing some yard work and also putting a chair lift on the vehicle to Brother
Mathie will be able to use his scooter. Ever since his last set of heart attacks he has never fully recovered but I know that he is trying with all of his heart to do all that he can. We came back down and
tracted which was
really great and we stopped by the church to get some more water and we were able to make a few calls that we had needed to make. We had dinner with the Millers which went really well and we were able to invite them to church and really help in anyway that we can. They both have some health problems that have kept them from being able to make it to church but luckily Brother Miller doesn't have work this week and can take a little bit of a break. We stopped by and visited with Joe Hickman for a brief moment and set up an appointment with him for the next day. We stopped and visited with Brother Serrano and helped him with some applications that he needed help with.
Friday we planned in the morning because our
Thursday became very jam packed. We were able to set some great goals and were able to set up a few appointments with some referrals that we had. We were also able to get records updated which helped us to really specifically focus on the needs of our investigators. We had lunch with the
Parke's family which was really great and after we immediately had a great lesson with Joe Hickman. We shared with him the Plan of Salvation and it really hit him very hard. He lost his wife a few years back and she is on the top of his conversations always. We left him to continue reading in
Mosiah 1 - 4 and invited him to church. We then
tracted for a few hours which went well and we also talked with Caroline who was a member referral and we set up an appointment with her the next day. We had dinner and finished the night off with activity night which went really well and we had
allot of people come.
Saturday we started by doing some service with Sister
Jett's family by moving her stuff out and getting it put on the trailers so they could move it to her son's home where she is now living. It went really well and there was
allot of member support there to help. We came back and had a bit of our
studies and then had lunch after a little bit of
tracting. We then went out and continued to tract which went really well and we found Lindsey and she invited us to come back and we are really excited. She was very open and really desired to learn more. We then went and had our lesson with Caroline which went really well and she asked
allot of great questions which allowed us to each her
allot of great truths
through the spirit. We left her with 3
Nephi 11 to read and invited her to church tomorrow and she said that she would come. We continued to tract until dinner which went really well and after we continued to visit less active members and make phone calls.
Sunday we had
allot of changes within the leadership of the ward and everything is now going to run even more smoothly. Many different people had moved away and they reorganized a bunch of callings. We had a great lesson at church and as we left priesthood we had 3 investigators at church which was really awesome. Caroline was able to make it which was cool and Melissa came with a member. We were able to have them both in Gospel Principle class and we set up appointments with them. We left Melissa with 3
Nephi 11 to read and set up an appointment with her for
Wednesday. We had potluck after church and afterwards immediately went out making visits. We were able to visit with Lori Shelton who is a less active member and she has now asked us to call her on Saturday to remind her about church which is awesome. We then began to tract with a Brother
Nordwald who is leaving on a mission soon and we had
allot of great success. We were able to find Anastasia and will be having a lesson with her next week. We finished the night with some more calls and did a little bit of studies to prepare for a few things.
This week allowed us to see more tender mercies of the Lord. I know that because we continued to work hard
throughout the week and kept
tracting even when we figured no one would answer the Lord always provides in some way even if it is a way you would never expect to see at that moment.
Love You
Elder Regan Hansen